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所属科目: 动物界 » 节肢动物门 » 蛛形纲;Arachnida » 柄腹亚纲 » 蜘蛛目 » 盘腹蛛科 »

学名:Latouchia yuanjingae
Total length 17.24. Carapace 8.84 long and 8.25 wide, reddish brown in ethanol; rim of carapace brown with small ridge; fovea U–shaped, without any modification posteriorly; caput slightly raised. Eyes in two rows, anterior row procurved; eye sizes and interdistances: AME 0.15, ALE 0.29, PME 0.14, PLE 0.30, AME–AME 0.14, AME–PME 0.14, AME–ALE 0.12, PME–PME 0.34, PME–PLE 0.03, ALE–PLE 0.09. Chelicerae reddish brown, with 4 promarginal and 6 retromarginal teeth, rastellum comprising 5 stout spines on tubercle. Labium without cuspules. Maxillae with 15 cuspules. Sternum reddish brown, with large sigilla centrally. Abdomen 6.82 long and 4.49 wide, dorsally yellowish grey, with black pattern. Leg measurements: I 9.03 (3.34, 3.77, 1.07, 0.85), II 7.63 (2.62, 3.36, 0.90, 0.75), III 7.35 (1.96, 2.20, 1.70, 1.49), IV 11.44 (3.04, 4.49, 2.89, 1.02). Vulva (Fig. 16C). Spermatheca T–shaped, with numerous glandular pores; stalks almost 0.5 times as wide as spermatheca.